
What is Yanicsoft Flash Desktop?


The software will help you to create animated wallpaper by converting MacromediaŽ flash file to desktop wallpaper.

Download Free Trial Version:
Download1 flashdesktop.exe
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Download3 flashdesktop.exe

Why Should I use Yanicsoft Flash Desktop?

Commonly, our desktop wallpaper is quiescent, do you want a animated desktop wallpaper? Also, the flash files are certain beautiful and most of them are animated or controllable, but you can not use a flash file as the desktop wallpaper directly.

Now, by using Yanicsoft Flash Desktop, you can convert any flash file to the wallpaper easily!

Features of Yanicsoft Flash Desktop

It is so easy to create the flash desktop wallpaper by using the “Wizard mode” of the software. it will help you to create the wallpaper step by step.

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